Best way to achieve your goals

 Your brain is like a muscle, the more you exercise it the stronger and better it becomes. So, whatever you do in a routine you are going to become good at it with time. Many a times we tend to think of how we'll become great at something, and even set deadlines for which we must attain our objectives. It could be a new year resolution, a desired behavio change, a career goal or even a target we need to hit by the set time.

 Most of us end up being frustrated, when we fail to meet these expectations and have to start all over again. The simple truth is, if you introduce radical measures to yourself in order to achieve your goal, you're most likely to face internal resistance. It would be far much easier to start by developing a daily habit towards your goal. 

Did you know that your brain works in such a way that, the more repeatedly and consistently you do something, the bigger the part that controls that action becomes, hence the better you become.  It's more of like, no one becomes a great football player by reading about football, but rather by practicing it. So, the more you plan the better planner you become, but the more you act on something the better you become at it. Basically, the easiest way to become great at anything, is to make it part of your daily routine.


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